And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
-- Luke 2:10-11 ESV
To kids, sometimes all Christmas means is toys and presents. They get easily distracted by these gifts and forget everything else. Don't we sometimes forget as adults too? We can get so distracted by travelling, by gift purchases, by sending out cards, and by preparing for the feasts that we lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas was invented by men long ago to celebrate the birth of Christ.
The Christmas season is one where we do get very busy but we are also reminded of the birth of Christ by what is all around us. Even though it may not be a religious day for many people, they do acknowledge that it is a day about the birth of Christ. As Christians, we need to remember the birth of Christ not only during this busy season when our minds are overly occupied, but at all times throughout the year. For without Christ's birth, we would not have the blessing of his life to model ours after. Without Christ's birth, we would not have the blessing of his life story and the story of his disciples to read. Without Christ's birth, we would not have the blessing of his death on the cross to purify us before God. Without Christ's birth, we would not have the blessing of his resurrection to show us death is defeated for those who believe. Without Christ's birth, we would not know the true extent and depth of the grace and love of our Father.
We must remember Christ's life and let it dwell richly in our hearts if we are truly to call ourselves Christians, not just on Christmas day or in the Christmas season, but all of our lives. Jesus is Christ the Lord. He came to Earth to find lost people and offer them salvation from themselves. And he did just that, perfectly. We can help each other remember Christ all year round. We can help each other live our lives in the love of God and the joy of Christ's life. We can share Christ's light with one another and all we meet if we always remember that it all started with the birth of the son of God in a lowly manger in Bethlehem one night thousands of years ago.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
-- Luke 2:14
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